
Superpower vs. Kryptonite

This prompt is about exploring yourself. What is your superpower? I’m guessing you can’t fly or leap tall buildings in a single bound, but you do have some awesome powers. What in particular are you known for? What ability are you especially proud of? Spend some time writing about that specific ability or trait. Where…

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You Are A Writer

You are a writer. You just don’t know it yet. You have words trapped inside your soul Beating wings against your rib cage Desperate to escape.   You are a writer. You are just afraid to commit pen to paper Wary of sharp blades dripping red Baring your tender core To worldview.   You are…

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Tanka Poems

I admitted it to friends today and now I’m going public: Poetry scares me. I love to read it or listen to it, but writing it and workshopping it intimidate me. I don’t understand enough about how it works to really break down my poetry let alone someone else’s. However, just today a teacher in…

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