Hate Won

History made here Scarlet sociopath map “others” lost their grip Hate won; my home forfeit where good once outnumbered evil   Artwork by Abandoned Berlin

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Snowbound house Icicles frame windows No need for shoes or hairbrush, specially since my hair is so long thanks to the black castor oil. We sip hot chocolate Listen to viola sing   Artwork by Hans on Pixabay

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Mommy Truth

No You can’t have the last cookie It’s been a rough day, week, year That oreo is all that stands Between Momma and losing her fingernail grip on sanity Do You want to risk life as you know it It’s been a rough day, week, year There isn’t any wine in the fridge But there…

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A Walk Through the Forest

Today I chose to make my poetic adventure a walk through the forest. OK, not a real walk, but rather a metaphorical walk that I first took years ago under the able guidance of my amazing friend (and total rock star teacher) Liz Prather. I have used this writing prompt to inspire poetry more than…

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Love is a carved wooden goblet Wood darkened by age and use Base sprawling wide, solid, unshakable Stem spiraling upward The generous curve of the goblet whispers stories once carved deep now erased by the caress of countless touches While the lip of the cup runs round endless and smooth to the mouth The well…

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You need more poetry in your life

You need more poetry in your life. I was sharply reminded of this epic truth this weekend when I was cleaning. I hate cleaning and often listen to NPR podcasts to make unpalatable tasks more bearable. As fate would have it, the podcast I chose was new to me although after this weekend’s binge I…

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The Sandwich

Spread transparent thin Where is the meat, cheese, flavor? Nothing to relish. Craving delectable bites spilling juice over my chin

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What Do You Believe?

I recently read This I Believe, a companion book to the NPR program of the same name, because we will be using the book in our First Year Seminars this year at Morehead State. I really enjoyed the book and now I’m checking out the extensive collection of This I Believe essays and recordings available…

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Empathy is Always the Answer

I believe empathy is always the answer. Hate seems to dominate the news and social media. This hurts my heart. I don’t understand how anyone can spend so much priceless life energy on hate. I turned 50 this year and the one lesson I have learned is that hate never solved anything. Love is the…

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Your Elevator Pitch: #Writing Meaning Into Your Life

Recent graduates and other job seekers are often told to create an elevator pitch for job interviews and networking opportunities. These job-focused elevator pitches are usually crafted to a specific job or profession. I was originally taught this concept when I was a struggling young novelist trying to pitch my book to publishers and agents,…

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Write Your Future in #OneLittleWord

The One Little Word writing prompt is a wonderful way to set the tone for a new year or a new project — or simply to help you focus your attitude and energy. I usually use #onelittleword (or #OLW) in lieu of a New Year’s resolution, but I really like the idea of thinking about it…

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3 Reasons For Writing With Others

June was a busy month for me professionally, but I still wrote a fair amount of poetry. This is due, in part, to the fact that my professional responsibilities meant leading the Morehead Writing Project’s Online Summer Institute – so I wrote and shared along with my students. However, it is also due to the…

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