My Theory of Writing

The gut must be fed, the heart must be inspired, and the brain jolted, while the hand must practice hours building muscle memory

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I Wish You Knew

As I note in my post “7 Reasons To Write For Yourself,” writing is feeling. I have a lot of feelings (and yes, as the image above implies a lot of rage). I have to release these feelings or risk serious consequences to my health, now even more than ever I need to take care of…

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What does the world need?

As I note in my post “7 Reasons To Write For Yourself,” writing is thinking. I use writing to help me sort out all the gibberish going on in my head. Currently I am worried about the future. My own future and the future of the world (have you seen the news?). I thought I…

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A Wish

Strife, fear, hate pervade Wasting living potential Understanding, love Peace to create, plant, construct Giving today tomorrow   Photo by MaxNFang and shared on DeviantArt

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A poem dedicated to COOL

An acrostic poem dedicated to my #OneLittleWord for 2016: Cool Thanks to Steven Bratman on Flickr for the marvelous photo (he has other amazing photos to inspire your writing)

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Apocalypse now

This prompt is about exploring what is troubling you. You don’t have to be a Walking Dead fan to know that zombies are really in right now. However, if you start to dig into the topic you will discover just why we see so many of the monstrous shambling hordes. Zombies are a stand in…

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At Sea

Somehow this poem came out of my daily journaling. I am not sure that I am in as dark a place as this poem suggests…perhaps the poem…the journal is my way to let it out so I can stay in the light.

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Forbidden the adult section of the library no one cares I have already read Little House and Nancy Drew Small notebooks with marbled covers, purchased from the Five and Dime nestle into my back pocket as I stand up on my bike pedals to make it up the ridge I only dare share the stories…

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The way I feel as I prepare to teach my fall classes: Together we will create something whole from parts with our hands, hearts, minds as we discover, invent together we will become Write your own Tanka poem Photo by Bertrand | Creative Commons  

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Silence is a well a dark, scret, endless place to dispose of truth a precarious cudgel wielded without consequence   Image Source Write your own Tanka poem

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3 Reasons To Play In #6words

I love six word stories. I love to play with them and I use them all the time in my classroom. I especially like creating six word story posters by combining words and images (such as those found on Six Word Story Every Day). If you haven’t falled in love with six word play then…

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