My Theory of Writing

The gut must be fed, the heart must be inspired, and the brain jolted, while the hand must practice hours building muscle memory

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A Wish

Strife, fear, hate pervade Wasting living potential Understanding, love Peace to create, plant, construct Giving today tomorrow   Photo by MaxNFang and shared on DeviantArt

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At Sea

Somehow this poem came out of my daily journaling. I am not sure that I am in as dark a place as this poem suggests…perhaps the poem…the journal is my way to let it out so I can stay in the light.

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The way I feel as I prepare to teach my fall classes: Together we will create something whole from parts with our hands, hearts, minds as we discover, invent together we will become Write your own Tanka poem Photo by Bertrand | Creative Commons  

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Silence is a well a dark, scret, endless place to dispose of truth a precarious cudgel wielded without consequence   Image Source Write your own Tanka poem

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Tanka Poems

I admitted it to friends today and now I’m going public: Poetry scares me. I love to read it or listen to it, but writing it and workshopping it intimidate me. I don’t understand enough about how it works to really break down my poetry let alone someone else’s. However, just today a teacher in…

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