
Creasing folding shaping Dissecting models Studying guides Hacking instructions Then letting fly

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You stand toes curled on the threshold my heart in your back pocket

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We Reap What We Sow

We reap what we sow Undemocratic maelstrom Un-Christ-like mindset Sectarian discord triumphant This is not who we should be  

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the road to harlan

the road to harlan silo conveyor hopper warn do not feed bears history overhanging verdant tunnels fog frosted knobs

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John 13:35 

And they’ll know we are Christians We are one as we pray We are one as we sing We are one as we worship   And they’ll know we are Christians We love the children We love the weak We love the others   And they’ll know we are Christians We work to sustain our…

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One Who Eats at the Table of Another

They do not kill their hosts Living on the host’s surface Living inside the host’s body Reducing their fitness Stealing their food Obligates completing their life cycle Castrators diverting the host’s energy Often close relatives Taking advantage of interspecific interactions Modifying host behavior Exploiting their hosts Sooner or later they will kill their hosts  …

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Night Walk

Moon shine brings night shade Fresh-mown grass sweet underfoot Frog harmony lulls Soft black fur between fingers Mint leaf breaking on tongue

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The thing to remember about cooking with grandma is that Nothing is exact No measuring cups or spoons Just dollops, scoops, and pinches Everything is by touch and taste Until it is right   First divide the sausage Six to a pound if you are feeding the family Twelve for a party Already I’m cheating…

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To Camp

Soul sick and weary The road to Yosemite Promises cleansing Never the same journey twice Bonds renewed, joy recovered   This Tanka poem was inspired by our yearly (sometimes twice yearly) trek to deliver our son to church camp in Yosemite, Kentucky. He has fun with new and old friends, but it is also a…

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For Camp

Sandals Sneakers Socks Boxers $20 for Canteen Shorts Sweatpants T-shirts Hoodie Bible for study and leadership Rain poncho Toothbrush Toothpaste Comb Ukulele for musical interludes Shampoo Soap Sunscreen Sheets Playing cards for rest period Pillow Blanket Towels Swimsuit Benedryl for allergies

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The Last Straw

You are the last straw the final stroke the crack in the dike the match to the powder   Image from Flickr

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Hate Won

History made here Scarlet sociopath map “others” lost their grip Hate won; my home forfeit where good once outnumbered evil   Artwork by Abandoned Berlin

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