
Snowbound house Icicles frame windows No need for shoes or hairbrush, specially since my hair is so long thanks to the black castor oil. We sip hot chocolate Listen to viola sing   Artwork by Hans on Pixabay

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Mommy Truth

No You can’t have the last cookie It’s been a rough day, week, year That oreo is all that stands Between Momma and losing her fingernail grip on sanity Do You want to risk life as you know it It’s been a rough day, week, year There isn’t any wine in the fridge But there…

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Love is a carved wooden goblet Wood darkened by age and use Base sprawling wide, solid, unshakable Stem spiraling upward The generous curve of the goblet whispers stories once carved deep now erased by the caress of countless touches While the lip of the cup runs round endless and smooth to the mouth The well…

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The Sandwich

Spread transparent thin Where is the meat, cheese, flavor? Nothing to relish. Craving delectable bites spilling juice over my chin

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Because You Asked About the Line Between Religion and Faith

Books walls rules structure Music poetry prayer Bulwark and support Minefields and cracked foundations Blood and ashes on our lips   In ancient mountains Touch comforting newborn cry Rain soothing dry earth Nurturing bloom and fruit for Nourishing spirt and flesh   Religion a tool Gripped to protect or destroy Faith benevolence A gift to…

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From My Deck

Breeze stirs evergreens Black ears perk up at bird song Charring burgers tease Blooms tilt to meet last sun rays Feet up, work gloves discarded   Learn how to write your own Tanka poem and #JustWrite.

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I Am From

I am from orchards and soccer balls, windmills and beaches where it is too dangerous to swim; I am from hillsides of waving white and pink blossoms and truckloads of dark-faced strangers to reap their fruit; I am from secret hideaways earned by battle-scarred arms and legs and hair torn out by the roots yet…

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Slam Poetry

Writing is therapeutic and perhaps Slam Poetry is the best therapy of all. We incorporate Slam Poetry into many of our Morehead Writing Project events and it is always a hit. I also like to use Slam Poetry in my classes to help my students uncover their deepest thoughts and fears as well as relieve…

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Praise Poetry

A praise poem is a tribute. Praise poetry holds a special place in southern African literature. In Zulu, praise poetry is called izibongo. It refers to poetic expression that not only defines but names an individual. Praise poetry is written with bold imagery, expressed in the most distinct or carefully selected language. Writing a praise…

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Praise to the Teacher Writer

The writers come to us, unknowing and fearful They know working with words is dangerous As language is combustible and corrosive – incendiary They worry they do not have the skill for such dangerous work But then we fill them with their own fire and teach them how to build firebreaks As well as how…

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Won’t You Celebrate With Me

Won’t you celebrate with me That I love learning and laughing with my students That I possess patience and understanding That I am sweet and kind and helpful That I have pushed my students to learn and do more than they thought possible That I have made my students proud of their accomplishments Won’t you…

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Trapped by twin clamps Cacophony of choice+chance Bitter discord rules Home, work, life deadfalls force tears of dangerous blindness Photo available through Creative Commons license

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