What is your quest?
- Deanna
- 0
- 489
This week my students kicked off a new unit. In this unit we will learn about rhetorical analysis and study well-known (often beloved) stories. One of the reasons I love this work is that sharing stories we love with the community and peeling back the layers of meaning found in those stories brings us closer together and continues to help us learn more about ourselves.
I invite you to write using Quest by Carrie Williams Clifford as your inspiration or perhaps exploring one of these questions that my students and I used as our launch pad this week:
How have the stories you love:
- Taught you about our world and how to survive it
- Shown you how to be human
- Inspired you to do and be more
- Connected you with others across time and space
As my students are also learning how to think like writers and not just be writers, they also explored these questions:
- What quest do you want to take as a writer this week?
- What goal do you want/need to work on?
What is your quest?
Image by Florian Pircher from Pixabay