
There are many things to love about #LexPoMo, but one of the best things is how diving into my morning’s poetry tasting always inspires me to write. One of the things that is the most frustrating is the sheer volume and pace of poetry added to our collection. This morning, the third morning, we are already at 324 and so the poems I tasted and forgot to note on days one and two are lost in raging torrent of poetry that has already washing out the earth and I am losing my footing. So today I want to note the poems that caught my eye and then left something behind for me to write to:

  1. Honeysuckle: “Right now there is nothing I want more than…”
  2. Morning Musings: reflection on how our stories connect
  3. Erasure: works on me at so many levels
  4. Luxury Bones: “Maybe one day I’ll learn…”
  5. Time: letting go: Just a delicious mentor text

This is for me, but if you find something here take it and write with it.

Image by Silvia from Pixabay