June 13

Definitely on a roll with LexPoMo this week although still feeling the sting of 1914’s continued absence. I’ve got a real motherhood thing going this year and that continues with Flotsam and Jetsam. Some poems that caught my eye today: Image by Kris K from Pixabay

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June 12

Good LexPoMo news is I’ve participated three days in a row! Bad news is the 1914 is still not displaying despite reaching out. I really like the poem I shared today even thought I’m not certain it is done: What happens when you don’t know the number for poison control? Some poems that caught my…

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June 11

Good news is that I finally managed to post two days in a row. Bad news is the 1914 is still not displaying on LexPoMo site (although I did get a nice comment on my blog about it so it did not disappear completely into the void). I write so much about identity with my…

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June 10

This has been a frustrating LexPoMo day as my poem for today (1914) is not displaying. But I did enjoy some of the poetry I encountered today:

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June 8

I continue to disappoint myself with my LexPoMo participation but there is so much on my plate right now I can’t seem to locate my muse under the pile of things to do on my desk, but I did like this small poem inspired by multiple writings about my past and present exploring the meaning…

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June 4

I’ve made a late start to LexPoMo which disappoints me, but such is life. I began with a simple haiku inspired by a recent trip to Michigan and barely dipped my toe into the poetry of others with these selections before work called me away again: Image by Michael R. Schlitt via Pure Michigan.

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Writing Kin

I share my writing all the time (Exhibit A is this blog) and share with my students, with my writing group, and at various writing marathons etc. Participating in LexPoMo feels like more of a risk although I’ve been doing it long enough now that I don’t fear it as much, but I wrapped up…

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Into The Journey

I cannot start a story but I can help bring closure to one The middle of the story is as important as the beginning and end The end might not be desired but we can fathom How to transition from surrounding socials to silent solitude Are they as broken by all this pandemic living and…

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