Flint Testimony

We come from a people who turn trial into triumph

The tragic into testimony

Enlighten or Discourage by Mama Sol

This week the Just Write Virtual Writing Group enjoyed the final stop on its 7-week journey with the National Writing Project’s Write Across America virtual writing marathon. Each week we revisited the invitation offered by the host site and the writing generated at the Tuesday event to find new inspiration and/or extend writing begun earlier in the week.

The Aug. 9 stop was hosted by the Oakland-Flint Writing Project and took us to Flint, Michigan, to delve into the music and history of the community. We began by finding inspiration in Enlighten or Discourage by Mama Sol. Those lyrics alone provided a powerful writing invitation.

The Flint Story Map offers a rich exploration of musical hosts and places and asking important questions about place, descendancy, implosion, and salvage.